
play vegetables and beans as sensory bin fillers
Invitations to Play | Multi-Age Activities

The Giant List of Sensory Bin Fillers: 100 Engaging, Cheap, and Easy Ideas

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “What do I put in a sensory bin?” Well then you’ve come to the right place! Before we start getting inspired, let’s talk about why sensory bins are amazing. Sensory bins provide a multisensory approach to learning that can enhance a variety of foundational skills necessary for academic success.

Baby laying on a topponcino looking out the window
0-3 Months | Baby Activities | Uncategorized

The 4 Powerful Benefits of a Montessori Topponcino that Will Help Your Newborn Adjust to the World

Have you ever handed your sleepy and snuggly newborn to your partner or family member only to have your newborn start crying from the sudden and cold movement? Or maybe your toddler wants to hold their precious new baby sibling, but you are worried about how the older sibling will hold the delicate newborn? Consider

4 Montessori Mobiles for Magical Moments with Your Infant
0-3 Months | Baby Activities

4 Montessori Mobiles for Magical Moments with Your Infant

Montessori mobiles are a practical way to support your newborn’s natural development. It’s so exciting to see our little ones growing and loving the environment we have prepared for them for the exact stage of their development. Imagine watching your newborn as they track the mobile with their eyes for the first time as it

Kayla sitting on white couch with black background, reading a book
Language Activities | Multi-Age Activities

3 Strategies to Support Young Kids Developing Language Skills

As a teacher turned parent, I’ve gained valuable insights into supporting young learners is developing language skills. In this blog post, I’ll share three strategies to promote language development that have proven effective in my teaching career and now as a parent. By implementing these strategies, you can create a language-rich environment that fosters your

Simple Machines: An Easy STEM Activity for Toddlers, Babies, and Kids of All Ages
Multi-Age Activities

Simple Machines: An Easy STEM Activity for Toddlers, Babies, and Kids of All Ages

*Chadler Bing Voice* Can this STEM activity BE any easier? Listen, I know Pinterest and Instagram like to make you think that an activity has to take hours to set up and be linked to a thematic topic like ice cream or farm animals or Labor Day (okay just kidding about that one). I am