The 4 Powerful Benefits of a Montessori Topponcino that Will Help Your Newborn Adjust to the World
Have you ever handed your sleepy and snuggly newborn to your partner or family member only to have...

4 Montessori Mobiles for Magical Moments with Your Infant
Montessori mobiles are a practical way to support your newborn’s natural development. It’s so exciting to see our...

What’s Missing? A Visual Memory Activity for 18-Months and Up
Do you remember the good old days of playing Memory Match (also known as Concentration)? Flipping over two...
A Simple and Free STEM Activity for Toddlers
STEM activities have a special place in my heart. When I was in the classroom, I created an...

The Big List of Black and White Newborn Toys
Before I get into the nitty-gritty of black and white newborn toys, allow me to tell you about...

Black and White Pictures for Babies: Everything You Need to Know
Black and white picture cards for babies are extremely beneficial. They can be easily made (or bought) and it is a quick activity for you to set up for your baby to help them grow!

Black and White Books for Newborns: The Ultimate Guide
Babies are drawn to high contrast images like this! Below I share everything you need to know about black and white baby books including some of my favorite books, how I use them, and ways to make this development activity work for tight budgets.